How it all started...
Worship Citizens was birthed from a place of desire and wanting more coming from a place that was full of diversity and full of God.
we saw there was a need past the most segregated time of the week and looked at presence and prayer and God moving and calling on Him and saw the need we needed. A sound that would call heaven to collide with us. Birthing the simple truth of His gospel and time to move closer to Him. A place where titles and weight is dropped to get into His presence.
this is the moment we want to and are creating prayer, worship, word to meet in His presence for everyone that wants to see the Face of Jesus and worship the father in Spirit and in Truth.
Diversity in unity through worship and His presence.
Kingdom Over Castle.
Worship Citi
Next and Now Generation
These will be a high intensity real empowering nights of God’s power and authority in a moving impacting generation shaking way. Video, Sound, Lighting and so much more.
Worship Citi 2023- Impacting all ages and people we have a Heart and Passion for this now generation and to see change? If so, then we have much in common! Dial into God’s Frequency, we are recalibrating the hearts of the generation. To block out the interference of this world and to tune in and lock on to the Spiritual frequency for the greater of God in this world. To bring together the kingdom leaders and the passionate heart of who we are called to be as a body. To equip and build with God’s greatness people who are called according to His purpose and desire to expand God’s kingdom.
The Vision and Mission of WC: Frequency Events Nights, online or anywhere else is simply to cross boundaries and world views, implanting a mindset with spiritual unity and focus on and through Jesus Christ with the power of the Holy Spirit to change and release those who are lost. To dial them into the God Frequency that has been set for them to connect and dial into. To unleash those who are caught up in the temporary and empower them to become key copiers to then go out and unlock others who are in the same place that they once were.
Our Calling: is to be the hands and feet of Almighty God, reaching real people with real needs by revealing a real God in a relevant life-changing way to the generations and nations that are reached by YouTube, Facebook, other social media, and various resources. To apply the power of God in a very real and tangible way to all. Isaiah 61:1 —7, Acts 2, Eph 3:20.
Our Goal: is to influence and affect those in and beyond the four walls of opportunity called the church, by adding flavor and enlightenment to a bland and artificially enhanced society called the world; utilizing the multi-faceted ministry avenue of the arts and media via video, audio, internet, music, drama/dance and more to utilize the Gospel of the word like never before! Using so many of the tools that today’s generations, regardless of cultural perceptions, are drawn to.
Our heart is to reach the reached, the un-reached, and what may be perceived as even the unreachable. To be a part of the body that does our part to create God centered disciples who will impact and encountering God’s presence, will change the fabric of this society. In this age bracket and more to come. We are called to come together to impact to grow and to create a unified development that increases in unity empowerment trust and accomplishment for God’s Kingdom
Our Mandate: is to take the church the body, disciples of Christ; which we call the salt shaker and spread the spiritual seasoning. We as a ministry and a conference are called to pour into and fill the church with fresh spiritual seasoning bringing about change to this unseasoned land we call the world. Empowering and flavoring generations to impact, ignite, awaken and Tune into the Frequency that will ignite the taste buds and sight of those that are lost, tasteless, and blinded by the world back to God.
How are types of things are discussed at the night? Through Online, events, Bible studies, social media, reach teams, utilizing music, drama, dance and teaching of the word of God and power, youth and young adults will be challenged to consider what their priorities are in life and how they line up with the Word of God.Attendees will be encouraged to rethink the way they are living and to discover whether or not the things they hold as priorities are healthy or destructive, and lean into the the spirit of God in doing so allow them to become unchained and released from wrong influences and behaviors through the cross of Jesus Christ and the Word of God. Impartation and the filling of the new things, empowerment, and spiritual redefining are also key subjects. Young adults will be invited to answer the call of Christ and be trained to impact the world for the greater good.
Founder & Leader: “Brent story is one that goes from chosen to fallen to redeemed the realness of the heart and forgiveness of God is only qualified by Christ’s saving power and truth. Both Brent & Speakers will discuss and expose many negative influencing factors that are commonplace for people today. Excessive behaviors that drive so many Young Adults will be discussed.
Where are the Events? Several events & conferences will be held throughout the year in different areas throughout the United States. As well as bi monthly events in a consistent location. Where God leads, we will follow! Please feel free to ask us where the next upcoming Frequency Conference or events is going to be held, and if you desire one in your area do not hesitate to reach out and bring one to your city.
Who can participate? ANYONE who has a heart for REVIVAL AND IMPACTING – people from all walks of life, along with ministers, leaders, pastors, business owners, ministries, organizations, outreaches and more!
Networking together brings a collective unified heart in the body of Christ and the result is that young people are impacted, empowered, and changed! One of the goals is to have a solid follow up
ministry for attendees through various local churches and leaders in the area. Mentoring programs and ministry growth resources are available online.
Our Budget is funded by partners and those who see a need and a vision for this now and next generation.